39. Format. The brief must be formatted in compliance with the following rules:(1) Colour. The cover page is yellow for the appellant, green for the respondent and grey for any other party.
(2) Cover page. The following must be indicated on the cover page:(a) the record number in appeal;
(b) the court that rendered the judgment under appeal, the judicial district, the name of the judge, the date of the judgment and the record number;
(c) the style of cause of a pleading in accordance with section 18;
(d) the title of the brief by reference to the status of the party in accordance with section 19; and;
(e) the name of the attesting author and the author’s contact information as well as the names and contact information of counsel for the other parties. If space is insufficient, the information required for the other counsel is indicated on the following page.
(3) Table of contents. The first volume of the brief begins with a general table of contents, and each subsequent volume begins with a table of its contents.
(4) Pagination. Brief page numbers are consecutive and centered at the top of the page.
(5) Spacing, font and margins. The text of the argument is to have at least 1.5 line spacing, except for citations which are to be single-spaced and indented. Arial 12-point font must be used for the entire text. As an exception, Arial 11-point font may be used for citations and Arial 10-point font for footnotes. Margins must be no less than 2.5 cm.
(6) Numbering of paragraphs. The paragraphs of the argument must be numbered.
(7) Printing. The argument and Schedule I are printed on the left-hand pages; the other schedules are printed on both sides.
(8) Number of pages. Each volume has a maximum of 225 sheets.
(9) Volumes. Each volume is numbered on the cover page and its bottom edge. The sequence of pages it contains is also printed thereon.
(10) Exhibits. All exhibits must be reproduced legibly. They are reproduced consecutively as they are numbered. Each exhibit is reproduced beginning on a new page titled by the exhibit number and the date and nature of the exhibit. Reproductions of photographs are permitted if they are clear. If a handwritten document is illegible, it must be accompanied by a transcript.
(11) Depositions. Reproduction of each deposition begins on a new page titled by the surname of the witness in upper-case letters followed by the given name, age and place of residence of the witness in lower-case letters, if those particulars have been provided, and abbreviated mentions in parentheses of(a) the status of the party who called the witness;
(b) the stage of the hearing (case in chief, defence, rebuttal); and
(c) the stage of the examination (examination in chief, cross-examination, re-examination).
The title of each following page must restate the name of the witness and the abbreviated mentions.
(12) “Four in one” format. Depositions may be reproduced in paper form with 4 pages printed on one page, using Arial 10-point font or its equivalent. The 4 pages contain a maximum of 25 lines, numbered on the left-hand side of the page, and are in vertical sequence. The full page itself has only one title (corresponding to the commencement of the text).